Sealed bids are invited from feed Ingredients suppliers for Ridiyagama farms of National Livestock Development Board.
Bid documents containing the required quantities of feed Ingredients specifications & bid conditions have to be sent through
email because of the National emergency situation due to Covid 19 disease spread in Sri Lanka.If possible tenders can be
deposited in the tender box kept at No.40, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05 . Bids will be opened on 17th April 2020
at 10.00am at the National Livestock Development Board at No.40, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. Please contact below
numbers for any clarifications. Tel.No. 077 3358736 - General Manager 077 3782128 - Asst General Manager (P& FRD) 0777 537452 - Asst.Manager supplies
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